Made by: Frain_Breeze, Wxnder and KingSizzle

Contact: @Frain_Breez, @KingS1zzle, Wxnder, Discord server

Tools used: 010 editor, Godot, KDevelop, Visual Studio, Gimp, Photoshop, Krita, PPSSPP and Ghidra.

Download installer:


Download xdelta:

PSP xdelta
PS3 xdelta

Installation instructions:

Xdelta instructions:

Xdelta patches are supported on a lot of platforms, with the drawback that you must install the whole patch. There is no way to only install part of it.
The xdelta file is also large (~800MB), but doesn't require running any custom installer, you can use any capable xdelta program you want, on any platform you want. I've just not made guides for platforms other than windows and linux, since I don't own those platforms.
Install patch using an xdelta file - Windows
Install patch using an xdelta file - Linux

Installer instructions:

The installer lets you choose which parts of the translation you want to use, and which parts should be left untouched. The installer is quite small. (~60MB)
Install patch with the installer - Windows
Install patch with the installer - Linux

Notes on untranslated items:

Some parts of the game are unfortunately left untranslated, due to technical limitations with the way the translation works. Most notably, in the 'Album' menu under events, after a few events, the unlock descriptions turn into a garbled mess:

Secondly, the 'Sing' menu has some untranslated menus and popups. However, the description box under these menus is still translated, so refer to that to see what the button does. Here's an example of these untranslated menus:

The last part with garbled text is when you get an item after playing a song:

If you need to know what the text here says, refer to KingSizzle's translation guide

Other than these three areas, everything else should be translated. If you find any areas that are still untranslated, or have any spelling or grammatical errors, feel free to send us a message (see the top of the page for contact information).

Other project videos: